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Sunday, 12 September 2010

HSG Tomorrow

As I mentioned in the first post, Boney is going for an HSG tomorrow and she has been very nervous about the whole idea. We've asked questions of medical professionals, who have given both her and myself very good reassurances about the whole process. Boney has also been prescribed a decent medication for her nerves (though, as time draws closer, I think I could do with a dose, she took one tonight and is currently away with the fairies, hopefully it'll still be the same tomorrow when she takes the second one.

We've been a little fraught with each other over the past week or so, due in part to nerves and a fear of the unknown (we've no true idea of what to expect tomorrow) but also due to decorating issues too. That's all over and done with now for the time being, so hopefully after tomorrow, the nerves should settle somewhat.

I'll try and get back tomorrow to let you know how everything went...thanks for looking...

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